Source code for PytorchWildlife.models.detection.yolov5.base_detector

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

""" YoloV5 base detector class. """

# Importing basic libraries

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import supervision as sv
import torch
from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url
from yolov5.utils.general import non_max_suppression, scale_coords

[docs]class YOLOV5Base: """ Base detector class for YOLO V5. This class provides utility methods for loading the model, generating results, and performing single and batch image detections. """ # Placeholder class-level attributes to be defined in derived classes IMAGE_SIZE = None STRIDE = None CLASS_NAMES = None TRANSFORM = None def __init__(self, weights=None, device="cpu", url=None): """ Initialize the YOLO V5 detector. Args: weights (str, optional): Path to the model weights. Defaults to None. device (str, optional): Device for model inference. Defaults to "cpu". url (str, optional): URL to fetch the model weights. Defaults to None. """ self.model = None self.device = device self._load_model(weights, self.device, url) def _load_model(self, weights=None, device="cpu", url=None): """ Load the YOLO V5 model weights. Args: weights (str, optional): Path to the model weights. Defaults to None. device (str, optional): Device for model inference. Defaults to "cpu". url (str, optional): URL to fetch the model weights. Defaults to None. Raises: Exception: If weights are not provided. """ if weights: checkpoint = torch.load(weights, map_location=torch.device(device)) elif url: checkpoint = load_state_dict_from_url(url, map_location=torch.device(self.device)) else: raise Exception("Need weights for inference.") self.model = checkpoint["model"].float().fuse().eval() # Convert to FP32 model
[docs] def results_generation(self, preds, img_id, id_strip=None): """ Generate results for detection based on model predictions. Args: preds (numpy.ndarray): Model predictions. img_id (str): Image identifier. id_strip (str, optional): Strip specific characters from img_id. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing image ID, detections, and labels. """ results = {"img_id": str(img_id).strip(id_strip)} results["detections"] = sv.Detections( xyxy=preds[:, :4], confidence=preds[:, 4], class_id=preds[:, 5].astype(int) ) results["labels"] = [ f"{self.CLASS_NAMES[class_id]} {confidence:0.2f}" for _, _, confidence, class_id, _ in results["detections"] ] return results
[docs] def single_image_detection(self, img, img_size=None, img_path=None, conf_thres=0.2, id_strip=None): """ Perform detection on a single image. Args: img (torch.Tensor): Input image tensor. img_size (tuple): Original image size. img_path (str): Image path or identifier. conf_thres (float, optional): Confidence threshold for predictions. Defaults to 0.2. id_strip (str, optional): Characters to strip from img_id. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Detection results. """ if img_size is None: img_size = img.permute((1, 2, 0)).shape # We need hwc instead of chw for coord scaling preds = self.model(img.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device))[0] preds =, conf_thres=conf_thres), axis=0) preds[:, :4] = scale_coords([self.IMAGE_SIZE] * 2, preds[:, :4], img_size).round() return self.results_generation(preds.cpu().numpy(), img_path, id_strip)
[docs] def batch_image_detection(self, dataloader, conf_thres=0.2, id_strip=None): """ Perform detection on a batch of images. Args: dataloader (DataLoader): DataLoader containing image batches. conf_thres (float, optional): Confidence threshold for predictions. Defaults to 0.2. id_strip (str, optional): Characters to strip from img_id. Defaults to None. Returns: list: List of detection results for all images. """ results = [] total_preds = [] total_paths = [] total_img_sizes = [] with tqdm(total=len(dataloader)) as pbar: for batch in dataloader: imgs, paths, sizes = batch imgs = total_preds.append(self.model(imgs)[0]) total_paths.append(paths) total_img_sizes.append(sizes) pbar.update(1) total_preds = [ non_max_suppression(prediction=pred.unsqueeze(0), conf_thres=conf_thres)[0].numpy() for pred in, dim=0).cpu() ] total_paths = np.concatenate(total_paths, axis=0) total_img_sizes = np.concatenate(total_img_sizes, axis=0) # If there are size differences in the input images, use a for loop instead of matrix processing for scaling for pred, size, path in zip(total_preds, total_img_sizes, total_paths): pred[:, :4] = scale_coords([self.IMAGE_SIZE] * 2, pred[:, :4], size).round() results.append(self.results_generation(pred, path, id_strip)) return results